Marginally Irresponsible Vintage Guitars by Dale Stevenson
We sell Vintage Guitars from the 50s and 60s

Silvertone by Kay 57K 1445L

Silvertone by Kay 57K 1445L
Item-Nr.: MR3704EUR 775,-  (Convert)SoldSpecial Offer

This is a Kay made Silvertone, Model Number 57k1445L.

It appeared in the catalogue from 1962 to 1964 in this style. It is a "semi-solid body" guitar in a natural finish, with curly maple top and spruce sides. There is a seperate volume control for each pickup and a 4 way switch for "tone and volume balance". Some of these guitars had black backs. The pickups are three DeArmond *Hot Speed Bump* style pickups ....and they sound fantastic. This is a totally wonderful guitar.


This guitar is on special.

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